Blanco stands with Ukraine

Blanco stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine during this tragic and troubling time. Our Ukrainian office and colleagues have been affected, but we are finding ways to aid and support them in their fight for democracy and freedom.
As a team, we deeply empathize with the current events and are doing everything within our ability to help our people located in Ukraine and the Netherlands. We have opened a funnel of daily communication and are offering aid in whatever form possible.
Many Blanconians have stepped up and are involved with individual initiatives to show their support, however small or large that capacity is. Be it with thoughts, sending supplies, donating, promoting campaigns on social media, providing emergency housing to refugees and more. Our people are hoping to do their part in helping the humans of Ukraine through this tough situation.
Katrien Van Parijs (CTO): “We are in touch with our Ukrainian colleagues daily. We have set up a special Task Force and will continue to help them through these difficult circumstances as best we can.”
Joost Walgemoed (co-CEO): “We sincerely hope that this war will be over soon and, in the meantime, will continue assisting however we can as people.”
There are many ways to help Ukraine. Here is a list of some of the many initiatives:
Donate here for Giro555, a collaboration of different non-profit organisations like: Red Cross, UNICEF, Oxfam Novib, Save the Children, etc.
Donate here to UNHCR: the non-profit international organisation of the United Nations. They are providing direct help in Ukraine. In neighbouring countries, they are collaborating and supporting local initiatives of governments and local aid organisations in receiving and protecting refugees from Ukraine.
Support Ukrainian refugees here with Vluchtelingenwerk: You can find all local initiatives in the Netherlands for volunteer work, donating products, housing refugees and offering work for refugees.
We hope you all stay safe and take care of each other.
The Blanco Team