Document to help you navigate and understand outsourcing

As most of our customers will know, the AFM recently asked about outsourcing by Dutch investment firms and investment institutions.
Several customers indicated that they could use some help with this question from the AFM and with the subject of outsourcing in general. In order to help our customers on the subject of outsourcing, we have published a ‘Blanco paper’ that helps in interpreting and implementing outsourcing legislation and requirements. The document discusses the EBA guidelines and further explanations provided by the Dutch regulators DNB and AFM.
The document covers both general outsourcing requirements and your outsourcing to Blanco (including AIRS). The document is only available in Dutch for now, but we are working on an international ‘Blanco paper’ (in English) about outsourcing. We will upload the English version as soon as it is ready. Click here to download the current ‘Blanco paper’ on outsourcing (in Dutch).