Extensions fix coupling AIRS PMS

For the past two years we have been using the FIX interface live with a number of custodian banks. We are delighted to say that the overall reaction has been very positive. The two biggest improvements we have seen in using FIX are the speed of feedback (in many cases within 15 seconds) and reducing the chance of errors. The latter in particular significantly increases efficiency. Before we introduced FIX, orders were passed on by telephone or even by fax. Yes, really, by fax. Today, as the orders are entered directly into the banking systems, not using any intermediaries or third parties, the chance of errors is considerably reduced.
In addition to working with InsingerGilissen, Binckbank and ABN Amro Meespierson, we are now also in an advanced stage with DeGiro. Which would effectively make Blanco the fourth party to actively support independent wealth and asset managers.
In addition, we now have the possibility with a first bank to shoot multiple or bulk orders directly into the banking system. This ensures greater efficiency, because it can also be used for larger rebalancing actions.